this is U D H A Y .


1. Department Store Using Tkinter

scroll horizontally ->

This is like a software for Department Store . In this the owner can add , update , delete Items and customers can buy items . The item added to the cart , when customer buys any item .It will generate softcopy of bill at end of the shopping .

This Picture is about buying an item ,first we need to select any item on the list shown in the list , then we can enter needed quantity there then click buy item .

The bought item added to the cart , the bill will generate at the end of the shopping

Similar to this we can

Search Item

Update Item

Delete Item

Add Item

2. Login Page with Authentication Using Flask and MySQL


3. Custom ChatBot with Python

This was my first try to create something own in python basics without any help and this came out very well . This is normal chatbot specially for particular domain . Not an AI chatbot .It will answer by matching your Question with Keywords .



My name is Udhayadharanish, and my porfolio is a representation of all that I've learned and accomplished as a Student of Electronics and Communication Engineering . I love working / learning with real world problems , now focusing towards machine learning so I'm looking for more oppurtunities to work with Machine Learing .